Rosemarie Nieves, Administrative Assistant
Rosemarie manages the day-to-day operations of the church office, and we can’t imagine where we’d be without her. From finances to email reminders to that always-just-vacuumed rug, she organizes all the often overlooked details to ensure that our behind the scenes operations run smoothly.
If you’re looking for information on any of our church services or programs, please call Rosemarie at (973) 694-9998.
AnneMarie Cornetto, Children's Ministry Director
Anne Marie was a children's ministry teacher for six years before she became director in 2003. She oversees all five kid's church classes, recruits teachers and helpers, orchestrates the curriculum and plans special events. Anne Marie is best known for her color coding abilities, board game mastery (if it wasn't obvious) and love of football (we won't say which team ... but it's not the Giants). For information about kid's church services/events or if you're interested in becoming a kid's church teacher/helper, please see Anne Marie.
Dave & Lisa Sylvester, Elders
Dave and Lisa have been faithfully serving as elders since 2008. Dave oversees the Men's Ministry, bravely leads the "Million Man" Father's Day choir each year and can be spotted wearing patriotic clothing for any occasion. Lisa has been a kid's church teacher since 1996 and coordinates our hospitality team to care for church members who are sick, pregnant or in need of encouragement. They lead the Montville home group bible study and have two adult children, Lauren and Carly.
Peter & Bernadette Orsita, Elders
Peter and Bernadette's testimonies are perfect reflections of God's love and grace. They joined LPALWC back in 1995 and have been elders since 2008. Peter is an original choir member and is best known for his world famous pepperoni bread. He also dedicates his time to ministering to the men at Renovation House, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. Bernadette coordinates our church cleaning and greeting ministries, and is best known for never making it into the choir (despite countless attempts). They lead the Haskell home group bible study and keep busy with three grandchildren: Isaiah, Joshua and Caleb.
Dominick and Linette Cicerchia, Elders
Dominick and Linette faithfully served as fearless leaders of our teen youth group for over a decade. They are passionate about helping young people live boldly for Christ and have helped to usher many young adults into positions of church leadership. Linette also uses her vocal talents to serve as co-director of the choir. They lead the Wyckoff Home Group and have 3 young children: Emily, Olivia and Dominick Jr.